I crossed over a major milestone of life last week by celebrating my 50th birthday. It was a fabulous week for me with sweet greetings, gifts and parties. In human terms, I guess it’s all downhill from here with aches, pains, and body deteriorating. I’m not willing to be in that mode because I really believe the best is yet to come! I'm sharing my picture of my annual unicycle ride, not much of a talent but hopefully I'll be doing that when I turn 90!
I am surrounded by the most incredible and diversified group of friends and family. If I could describe some of them in a word or two, some of the adjectives would include Jewish, Catholic, horse lovers, teachers, artists, unemployed, widowed, single moms, eccentric, nutritionalist, pierced, tattooed, silly, crazy, organized and messy (just to name a few). I love mostly that we don’t “look alike,” not just physically, but in our beliefs and interests and I hope that trends continues. You can’t put a value on friendships. They have enriched my life.
On my birthday, I was spending some time just conversing with God and I felt very impressed that my prayer for at least through my 50s will be “Entrust to my care precious people....” Entrusting in my care means for me to view “everyone” as valuable before God and treat them just as if I were talking with Christ. It means taking the time to look people in the eye and greet them. How many times have I hurried through the grocery store and hardly acknowledged the person who checks me out? “Did you find what you need, Mrs. Wade” and mechanically, I respond “yes,” as if I resent them asking me that every time I come in the store, when they are merely just doing their job. I’m not saying that everyone I meet I have to have a spiritual conversation with or tell them that God loves them; but just in my actions towards them can convey importance and value. I’m so excited to see who God will ‘entrust in my care’ and I find myself on the “look-out” for opportunities. I want it to become more than just a “project” but a way of life, easy as breathing, without thought and planning. But for a while, I will daily be active to consider everyone in my path as important and valuable. Let the excitement begin!
On Saturday at the post office in Fort Mill, I was in there alone. An elderly gentleman came in walking on a cane. As I left I had the opportunity to hold the door open for him. As he hobbled through, he said “thank you” and I responded that I hoped he had a great day looking at him in the eye, realizing that his eyes had seen more life than mine had every hoped to. I ask him how old he was and that began a 15 minute conversation about his service in World War II (he was 84). I was able to tell him how much I appreciated his service for me and our country. It was such a small short encounter but a meaningful exchange between two strangers who both took the time to show value to one another. So “entrust” in this encounter took on the form of valuing a stranger. I’ll blog along other “entrusting” moments and I already know that God is working on me about how that works and looks within the walls of my own home.
You can call it what you want, being 50 years old. I view it like riding to the top of an old wooden roller coaster. It’s been a gradual, steady climb. I’m at the top of the hill, looking over the view and the steep tracks ahead. I plan on enjoying the ride down with its twists and turns, screaming in full exhilaration, meeting people along the way. I thank God for this life that He has given me (such a gift!) and I hope the next 50 years will be as exciting as the first!
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