Monday, May 10, 2010

Not On the "TO-DO" List! Flat Tire!

This week I'm continuing to read a book called "Tangible Kingdom, Primer" and loved this quote "...most God-moments are unexpected and occur along the way to someplace else.  They will seem like interruptions, but if you begin to look for God's fingerprints in your day and in every relationship, in every coffee shop and in every conversation you have with your neighbor, there's a good chance you will begin to see God's...presence." 

With that read (and said), Monday began today quietly easing in.  Just wished it would have stayed that way!  This afternoon around 1:30 I left work up on the north side of town.  On I-485 (inner loop heading south!), I saw a very large tractor-trailer coming up quickly behind me in the slow lane.  I remember thinking "WOW, that truck is SOOOO LOUDD!"   I suddenly came to my senses and realized it was ME!  The sound of a blow out and a quickly flattened tire gave me a moment of panic to GET OFF THE ROAD before the tracker-trailer ran me over in my little CRV!  I made it to the side of I-485 (nothing comforting about that, except the truck didn't run me over!) and there I sat with NO SPARE TIRE (I had another blow out earlier in the year that took care of the spare!).  Thank God, my AAA membership was paid up!    So, what was it that I read earlier?  I had places to go, doctor appointment, post office stop and family who needed to be places later that day.  "God-moments are unexpected and occur along the way to someplace else."    My carefully outlined plans had just been changed and now I could either whine or decide that this was an interruption, maybe an adventure to be blessed or bless someone else instead of "checking things off my list that needed to be done!"

You know, gentlemen come in all sizes and places and the one I met today happen to drive the tow truck that transported my car and me to the Discount Tire place!   I've been in tow trucks before and neither of us spoke a word; but this time was different, perhaps because I was looking for conversation and I'm beginning to see people as precious and entrusted in my care to show God's grace.  I learned so much about this kind soul, a father of two, a precious teenage son playing football for Providence High School, a preschool daughter, lover of R&B music although I told him I would enjoy his hip-hop that he had on!, attended Methodist church all his life and went on missions trip as a teenager in a church choir, said he was wild and bad as he grew into his teenage years, but having children changed all that, hard working 6-days a week, 12-hours a day, answering calls from distressed damsels like me and not-so-nice people at times.   A musician, he played the saxophone, clarinet and drums.   He asked me questions, I volunteered answers and more.  The 30-minute drive was for me a gentle reminder that interruptions lead to encounters that were not on the "to-do" list.

As we pulled into Discount Tires, I opened the door to step out.  Oh, the most important thing, "what is your name" as I about fell on my face, forgetting that tow truck seats are much higher than jumping out of my CRV!  "My name is Dan - that would be Joseph Daniel."  Well, thanks Joseph Daniel for a great ride, I enjoyed every minute of it!

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