Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Cheer Year - Letter 2

Dear Tyler,

In case you haven't noticed, your mom has temporary gone into her "Pollyanna" mode and is writing thank you letters this year to all the people who have impacted her life!  I know you know who "Pollyanna" is because you use to die in hysteria whenever the opening of this movie came on and you would see that "little boy" buck naked take the plunge into the creek!  It's one of the reasons I'm so thankful to you because you have brought such laughter into my life.  You always see something so funny in the simplest of things!  If you didn't point out these things, I would be too busy to notice!  You have brought us such great joy since your arrival now almost 20 years ago!!  Thank you for opening our eyes to consider people and things that we never would have been introduced to otherwise.  I believe the little tattoo on my ankle is because you led the way for me!  Thank you for your tender heart towards the underdog.  Your relationship with Andrew in middle school made me cry many times watching you interact with an austistic teen who valued your friendship and then recently this summer watching you once again attend Andrew's 18th birthday!  It was a special day for him but I suspect it was even more special for Andrew's mom and myself.  Thank you mostly for letting me be your mom.  Your dad and I wanted to be parents more than anything and God in His divine plan placed you in our arms and hearts and our lives were forever changed.  Thank you for just being you!  Love, Mom   (P.S. - I love your dog but I mostly love watching you love your dog!)

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