Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 Cheer Year - Letter 6

Dear Sister,

     Those who knew us in grade school and high school will completely understand the miracle of how two people could seemingly “hate” each other growing up only to become truly the best of friends and the closest of sisters! You have impacted my life greatly and I am truly thankful to our great God for you.

     We will both have to admit that our childhood was filled with a lot of fighting and disagreements. You smacking me with snowballs making my lip bleed. Me smacking you with a baton and bending it in half bruising your legs. Both of us driving mom crazy with yelling. So how do two people whose hearts were so far apart end up where we are today? Somewhere along the way, I began appreciating you for who you are. I really think it began when you gave birth to Jenny. She was the most beautiful baby and she brought us together. You trusted me with her care that first year and I loved her and began to realize how much I loved you.
     You have led the way for me in living life. You became an empty nester and you and your marriage didn’t fall apart. You are now a grandmother and such an example of how loving and fun to have a granddaughter in your life. All things that lie before me and I have no fear because of watching you. Thank you for your loving care of mom. There’s not enough space here to thank you for the dignity that you and Steve have provided for her during the past two years. You are one of the most nurturing and caring people, truly a work of God in your life.
     My kids call me boring because when they are with you, things happen and life is fun! Thanks for caring about my family and me. Someone once said: “Sister to sister we will always be, A couple of nuts off the family tree!”




suzie said...

Patty, what a blessing you are to many! You having the gift of mercy and you listen to hear what the need is and then you move on it.
You are very articulate and can express your love for our Lord and your sweet family and special friends with such meaning and sincerity.
I feel honored to call your friend. You are truly a gift to us all.
Love you sweet girl, Suzie

suzie said...

Patty, what a blessing you are to many! You have the gift of mercy and you listen to hear what the need is and then you move on it.
You are very articulate and can express your love for our Lord and your sweet family and special friends with such meaning and sincerity.
I feel honored to call your friend. You are truly a gift to us all.
Love you sweet girl, Suzie