Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011 Cheer Year - Letter 5

Dear Dad:
I’m writing one person a day this year that has impacted my life and today I want to thank you for being my Dad! I have learned so much watching you through the years! One of my earliest memories of you is sitting in church hearing you sing “Up from the grave He Arose!” You taught me values at an early age such as respecting authority and working hard that have served me well throughout my life. Thank you for your advice that you have given me throughout the years. Two things, in particular, stand out that you told me. One was to never let anyone think for me. Do you remember telling me that when I went to college and you were afraid that I would just “follow the leader” and not think for myself? It was great advice that I still pass on to other people. The other piece of advice is something you told me just over a year ago regarding my sister’s care of mom and that is to always agree with whatever Penny decides regarding mom’s care. It was a good piece of advice and you helped me see what matters most when someone is under stress when caring for another. Thanks for being such an interesting Dad. Not many people can brag that their father went on the road with an old-fashioned wash machine show and now runs Willy’s Used Up Car Lot while wintering in Florida! Thank you that you are crazy with my kids dressing up as a jail bird, Santa Claus and a hillbilly. Thank you for riding a bike backwards which inspired me to learn to ride my unicycle. Thanks for building a windmill and putting an 1800’s Steam Engine in the backyard that made our growing up so unique! Thank you for being my chauffeur after our wedding in your 1929 Model T Ford. Thank you that you aren’t sitting around waiting for me to call you. You always believe that no news is good news and I haven’t seen you sit around ever! Thank you for living in such a way that I’m proud to be called Bill Portier’s daughter.



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Anonymous said...