It's become important to me that I write to the people who are alive because of the brevity of life, although I will sprinkle in some tributes very soon to people on the other side. My letter today will be sent to a very special lady who I send a mother's day card to every year for the past thirty years. I believe that God sent some very special people in my life as a teenager to love me and guide me down the path of life. One of those special people is Ginny Covey who gave what she had to a routy bunch of teenagers. If only everyone was so blessed to have the memories that I have hanging out at her house day and night.
Hanging out at Mom C's (circa 1977) |
Dear Mom C – This year I am looking back in my life and thanking those people who have impacted my life! You are one special lady to so many of us! You didn’t need to read a book about raising teenagers, you could have written it yourself! My teenage years are filled with so many wonderful memories and a lot of those memories took place at 613 W. 33rd Street in Latonia, Kentucky! You shared ALL you had, always! I loved coming to your house and just hanging out with you. There was always Mountain Dew in the Frig and cheese doodles and popcorn. Rook cards were handy but better than that was good conversation and lots of laughter. We all were loved and valued. You would have given us anything you had but the most important thing you gave us was yourself. I can’t believe that over 30 years have gone by since those sweet times! I have always prayed that I would love my kid’s friends as much as you loved us and that I would welcome them as you welcomed me. That last year at home was extra special. Most Friday nights, I would spend at your house, sometimes toting Jenny along with me. My wedding invitations were all addressed sitting at your house enjoying your company (I think while watching Dallas)! My wedding was more special because you were there helping. I have always appreciated your handwritten notes throughout the years. Please know you are loved and adored by so many of us. Only God knows how much your kindness made a difference in my life.
Love to you,
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