Sunday, January 9, 2011

2011 Cheer Year - Letter 9

Dear Mom Ruh -  Seems silly to write a letter to someone who has gone onto eternity but it would be wrong not to have you on my list of people who have impacted my life.  Besides my own parents, you impacted my life as a teenager and I believe my life was changed forever.  The earliest memory I have of you is when I was in 7th grade and our youth group had a Sunday night event at your home on 1014 Rose Circle.  Little did I know then that your daughter and I would become the best of friends and you would become my mentor.  God truly gave you as a gift to me.  My own mom, as much as I loved her, completely understood our relationship and said on many occasions she was so glad that you were in my life because you were able to answer questions and help me in a way that she could not.  Some great things that stand out in my mind were you loved God's word and instilled that in us.  You loved God's son, Jesus and you couldn't wait to meet Him one day!  It made your leaving from this earth easier on me just knowing that you finally were home and in the arms of Your Saviour.  You loved teenagers and treated us as your own!  Your home was always opened and there was always food for us.   My senior year of high school, I spent more nights in your home than I did my own!  (Of course, it helped that we had one of the largest snowfalls that closed the schools for 3 weeks and I was at your house!).  You listened very well.  I remember calling you on the phone and asking you for counsel countless of times.  I firmly believe that the reason I am a pastor's wife today is because of God using you in my life.  I remember one time I was talking to you about some issue that I didn't agree with and you taught me that LOVE was the most important thing as a Christian.  You modeled that and lived it ALL of your life.  Today in my ministry my personal motto is to LOVE the ONE that God sends...  I'm not about big crowds or impressing people.  I just want to LOVE anyone that God puts in my path with His Love.  You taught me that and I am forever grateful to you and to our Great God who put us together.  One day very soon we will meet again.  I can not wait for that day.  You are one of the first people that I want to see when I arrive on the other side!  We will sit down together and have a nice long talk!  In the meanwhile,  I pray that I can be to other women what you were to me.   
Love, Your Daughter in the Lord,

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