Tuesday, April 30, 2013

An Amazing Journey - Part 6 - The Gift

Tay and her family finding each other was sort of like the day we adopted Taylor Anne.  Without notice or warning to any of our neighbors or friends, suddenly a little girl appeared in our home.  Without knowing much about her background, we always said she was a gift straight from heaven.  Now it was time to share this gift to those who loved her even before we did! And, just as Tay suddenly appeared in our lives, so Memaw, Papa and Uncle were “born” into her life!  This instant change was a gift to all of them.

April 14  - Yesterday at 3:15 and today at 10:57 and 1:12, I heard the voices of my biological uncle and grandparents for the first time ♥ I can't believe I finally finished the once so difficult puzzle! GOD GIVES ME WAY MORE THAN I DESERVE:)

We all believed that this time was perfect and planned by God as an appointment for each of them.    Taylor Anne was about to begin what the theater kids deem as “hell week” – It’s the days prior to opening night of the Spring Musical, Legally Blond at Cuthbertson High School, where they work until midnight trying to perfect their show.  Thursday was opening night with four performances during the next three days that followed.  If you know our Taylor Anne, you’ve heard her say ‘theater is who I am.’    She considers theater not only a passion that she loves, but also as a way to express herself through good times and difficult days.   It was decided that they would come Friday afternoon to our home at 2:00, visit with her prior to the show and then enjoy her performance.  In less than a week, she would be face to face with part of her birth family who wanted to not only meet her but begin a relationship that they had so longed for all of her life, and something she had longed for since she was a little girl.

April 14 - five days left!!!!!! I can meet my family ♥

It was a sleepless week for Taylor Anne.  In spite being totally exhausted each night, her mind would race to Friday in anticipation of their meeting.  Memaw spent the day before planting beautiful yellow flowers in honor of Taylor Anne at the place she has volunteered at for the past 11 years, the local Pregnancy Care Center.  How appropriate to honor the life of her granddaughter at a place that assists young women in their unplanned pregnancies.  Taylor Anne is a perfect picture of a beautiful life that came about in difficult circumstances. 

We had planned out Friday earlier in the week.  Tay was to go to school and I would pick her up at 1:20 and she would have a half hour to get ready before their arrival.  When Friday rolled around, she was totally exhausted.  It didn’t take much begging to let her sleep through her first period class.  She went to second period but I knew she needed to come home early.  Her mind was far from anything covered in her textbooks.

Nothing would ever be the same, in a good way!  By bringing them into my life, I knew it was going to change my world forever.  It was so strange that these people I have never met before, I already loved.  I would finally get my questions answered on the circumstances surrounding my birth.  The black holes would be filled in.

April 19 - In less than an hour my whole world will change forever ♥

At precisely 2:00 pm on Friday, April 19th, just one week after this fabulous finding, their car pulled up beside our home.  This moment had finally come.  Taylor Anne was wearing a favorite blue striped dress and her signature cowgirl boots.  The three of them made their way to the front porch.

Memaw - The feelings I had in the car riding to your home were similar to the ones I had when we were going to see our first grandson. My uncontrollable tears washed down my face when I held him for the first time. The difference is I hadn't prayed for him for 18 years and 11 months before seeing him. When we drove up, I saw the most gorgeous yard ever in lush green grass and rich color all around. I felt as if I were entering the Garden of Eden without the snake. I wanted to run to the door and walked fast up the sidewalk, as my husband and son wanted to get the gifts we had brought from trunk first. I said to wait until later. I wanted no delays before seeing her. When she opened the door and stepped out, I just lost it emotionally and couldn't quit hugging her and crying. When I Iet go and looked at her, I said "You are beautiful" and grabbed her and hugged her again.

Taylor Anne – When I opened the front door, it felt as though the world was frozen for that moment.  My Memaw grabbed me quickly and the tears flowed and I heard her say ‘thank you God’ as we embraced each other, not wanting that moment to end.  Then we stared at each other and she said, “You are beautiful.”   Then Papa and my Uncle each hugged me.  We were all sobbing and just stood there for a moment, not believing that this was actually happening.

Pure joy was what we observed, heart longings fulfilled and overwhelming emotion and abundance of love that only comes from God.  This moment in time was planned by Him so long ago.  We couldn’t have predicted this or made this happen on our own. It was orchestrated by Him and it was exceedingly abundantly above all that we could have ask for or thought of.

We packed so much in the next three hours, mostly crying.   Memaw was finally able to give Tay her bunny that she  bought when Tay was born and managed to hold onto it for 18 years!   
It’s a tradition in Memaw’s family that she make a birthday cake and all her family has their birthday picture made with the cake and they have been doing this for more than 35 years.  So Memaw made Tay a birthday cake for her 18th birthday so we all could celebrate together.   The statement repeated throughout the afternoon was “we can’t believe how much Taylor Anne looks like her grandmother!!”  It was really unbelievable!

Tay writing her birthfather
This "gift" had now opened up a new door with new possibilities. Somewhere during that week, Tay managed to sit down and pen a letter to her birthfather. It was something that was very important to her for her grandparents to deliver this letter after they had met her and seen what kind of person she had become.  With her birthmother saying no, she really wanted to directly convey her feelings for him and asked if they could meet.  WIth her heart mended by the love felt from this new family, she wanted to explore the unknown road ahead.
There are some days that you just want to freeze, capture them and put them in a snow globe and relive them again and again.  However, the reality was that time past very quickly and soon we were on our way to watch Tay's performance at school.
One of the most important things in my life is my theater experiences.  To have my new family come and watch me do what I love most meant so much to me, especially since this was my last big high school production.  Every night before the performances, I would lead the “pep talk” encouraging our cast and crew to “do what you love to do, let’s show the people what talent we have here.”  We would end with a chant, like “LEGALLY BLOND” or something that would psych us up.  On Friday night my heart was so full of emotion after meeting my new family.  Through my tears, I shared with the cast how important this performance was to me and I shared my story of just meeting my grandparents and uncle, and how they (the cast and crew) all were a part of this as we all performed together for them.  Most of my friends were crying with me and the chant that night was “Taylor Anne.”  The performance was unofficially dedicated to my family by my fellow cast and crew.  I was so excited to perform for all my family!  What more could I want than to end my high school production with them in the audience.

Tay’s new family was overwhelmed by watching their newly “born” granddaughter with all her talent and charm.They also were overwhelmed by all the friends who came by for a hug, many with tears unable to contain themselves knowing what had unfolded that day.The night had come to an end and it was difficult to say goodbye but for Taylor Anne, Memaw, Papa and her uncle, this was only the beginning of a beautiful relationship for each of them.

Late at night, Tay and her bunny!
Memaw:  God was continuing to knit us together in his continued unfolding plan. The blessing I keep feeling is what Amazing Grace! To God be the Glory, GREAT things He has done Proverbs 3:5-6.

Taylor Anne via Facebook: April 20 12:30 am I hate this day has to come to an end but I don't think today could've been more perfect♥ and now a new chapter in my life begins:)

We, as Taylor Anne’s parents are also forever changed. We are witnesses to our great God at work in our daughter’s life and stand amazed at watching Him at work. Long ago He planted a seed in our daughter’s heart to love her birth family even though she did not know them and at the same time, He planted that seed of love in her grandparents for a young girl they had never met. What’s so funny about this is that as unnatural as it sounds to meet complete strangers and immediately welcome them into our lives, it was all so natural--it’s as if they had always been together. Let them know that it is your hand, that you, LORD, have done it – Psalm 109:27

So this "gift" was certainly unexpected and welcomed but it wasn't the end goal. With an adopted daughter, it has always been "the goal' to meet her birthmother and birthfather. We had the answer from her birthmother and we had thought because of the reaction from her, that it wouldn't be healthy to try to find her birthfather at this time.  When we travelled down this unknown road with all its curves, hills and valleys, we never dreamed of all the feelings, emotions and information that came upon us.  Although delighted by this beautiful gift, Tay is not content to stop without reaching her final destination. The unanswered question that beckons her with its unknown response is too great to ignore.

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