The Urban
Dictionary defines “kindred spirit” as people who make a special connection
because of sharing a bond that draws them together. This is a perfect description of how we feel
about Taylor Anne’s newly discovered birth family. When we left off in May, our
last journal entry was Taylor Anne’s incredible first time meeting of her dad
and many have asked since that time, “how are things?” and “are they what she
Back in April when Taylor Anne first met her grandparents, after reading the blog earlier before she had met her dad, one of the pastors approached us from our church and felt like the feelings that Tay’s Memaw had throughout the years could be a great illustration for an upcoming message series called “Heaven” and being reunited with loved ones. Of course, for her Memaw, she never envisioned she would meet Tay this side of eternity. As the segment was videotaped, I felt like the actual taping of this story was probably more important to Tay than the original intent of capturing this story. The excellent video photographer, Eric prodded her to talk about the day she found out her birthmother had said ‘No’ to a meeting. This was the first time in six months that Tay actually talked about that day out loud and it was the first time the tears flowed from heartache. Although difficult to watch (it actually ripped my heart out), Tay was very strong and continued to tell the great reunion that was about to unfold. Tay’s desire is for people to watch the video to understand that everyone lives with heartache and that heartache made the reunion with her father’s family even that much more special. A couple of things she wants to convey also, is this reunion led to her greatest gift and that was meeting her dad and also through conversations with him, he never wanted to give her away but agreed to this plan at the urging of the birthmother’s father. You can watch this video at https://vimeo.com/69594635. Get out your Kleenex! (If the first link doesn't work, try it at you tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edGdtl8SExc)
There have
been so many wise words that have come our way.
Tay has the blessing of realizing she
is greatly loved by three fathers! First, from God as her Heavenly Father, she realizes that she is loved by Him and in Him she is complete as a daughter. (And if that’s all she had, that would be enough.) Secondly, she has the love from her daddy, Jimmy who has exhibited unconditional love throughout her life. Thirdly, now she is blessed to be loved by her dad (we drop the biological and birth part) and for an adopted child, this love is perhaps, humanly speaking, one that brings most fulfillment (at least what we are witnessing right now). It assures you that you weren’t just an accident, an afterthought or not wanted. The love they have for each other is as natural as when you see your child for the first time and something inside of you blooms.
is greatly loved by three fathers! First, from God as her Heavenly Father, she realizes that she is loved by Him and in Him she is complete as a daughter. (And if that’s all she had, that would be enough.) Secondly, she has the love from her daddy, Jimmy who has exhibited unconditional love throughout her life. Thirdly, now she is blessed to be loved by her dad (we drop the biological and birth part) and for an adopted child, this love is perhaps, humanly speaking, one that brings most fulfillment (at least what we are witnessing right now). It assures you that you weren’t just an accident, an afterthought or not wanted. The love they have for each other is as natural as when you see your child for the first time and something inside of you blooms.
This family
is serious about inviting her into their lives.
It’s just not been a one-time, “we wonder-who-you-are” meeting. Her dad and his wife returned to her
graduation party here in our home and were introduced to everyone by her as her
dad. I personally think that was the
greatest graduation gift anyone gave her, for him to allow her to introduce him
as her dad to all the people she cared about, not being concerned about what
people thought. Her Memaw, Papa and
Uncle Kyle returned on graduation day to cheer her on. Not even cancer surgery less than a week earlier could stop her Memaw from coming (and by the way, she is just fine). Last month she spent the weekend at her grandparent’s home. Her Memaw planned a special luncheon for her girlfriends and told the story of finding her granddaughter and as they finished with prayer before they ate, the doorbell rang and there stood Taylor Anne to meet her friends. What excitement to meet the granddaughter they had just learned about! Tay planned the perfect “Pajama Party” for them since they
had never had an overnight with their granddaughter. Papa and Uncle Kyle took her boating, tubing and jumping off high rocks! There are many memories to catch up on. She also spent the weekend at the beach with them and enjoyed making cookies with Memaw, fixing Tay’s famous “Angel Sauce” and all the fun of playing on the beach.
Uncle Kyle returned on graduation day to cheer her on. Not even cancer surgery less than a week earlier could stop her Memaw from coming (and by the way, she is just fine). Last month she spent the weekend at her grandparent’s home. Her Memaw planned a special luncheon for her girlfriends and told the story of finding her granddaughter and as they finished with prayer before they ate, the doorbell rang and there stood Taylor Anne to meet her friends. What excitement to meet the granddaughter they had just learned about! Tay planned the perfect “Pajama Party” for them since they
had never had an overnight with their granddaughter. Papa and Uncle Kyle took her boating, tubing and jumping off high rocks! There are many memories to catch up on. She also spent the weekend at the beach with them and enjoyed making cookies with Memaw, fixing Tay’s famous “Angel Sauce” and all the fun of playing on the beach.
Just last weekend, she visited her dad. As I watch pieces of this story unfold, there are some “side” people who really are outstanding and one of those is her dad’s wife. It’s one thing to be told by your husband before you are married that I have a daughter out there somewhere that could reappear into my life and your wife agrees with you that when that time comes, she too would welcome this unknown daughter. It’s another thing when three years later, this beautiful daughter appears unexpectedly and this wife meant exactly what she said. She has been at his side during each visit and when Taylor Anne visited their home, her kindness put Taylor
Anne right at ease and she treated her as a daughter and shared her home and their son with Tay. When I dropped Tay off to begin her weekend, her dad picked her up half way. You can imagine she was nervous; after all she had only been with him twice and both of those times they were surrounded by people. As I drove away, my head said, “you just dropped off your daughter with a man that you’ve only met twice” and my heart said “she’s finally with the person whose she’s most connected with and loves so much” and I had perfect peace. They shared a great weekend together and two things jumped out at her – he introduced her as “his daughter” and that made her heart soar. Also she got to meet, play with and love on her little brother and her dad said that his son will always know his sister since he is so young and she will always be in his life (a confirmation in her heart of more memories to come). They created so many memories with her at the beach, eating in their favorite restaurants, and sharing a love for fashion and shopping (I’ll let you decide who she connected on with that one!) When I picked her up two days later, she said she could hardly wait until the next time they are together again (actually she didn’t stop talking for the hour and half ride back!)
Our lives
are different now. We are living in a
new reality and there’s not one thing about it that we would change. Tay is headed to Canada this week with her
best friend’s family, making plans for more family visits and will be going to
Appalachian State University in less than a month. There is no anger towards her birthmother by
Tay. I still struggle with her decision
but I don’t pass judgment on her. There
is hope that one day she changes her mind and allows this beautiful, blond
hair, blue eyed daughter into her life.
Oh, what a blessing she is missing out on! That’s our prayer. Tay herself has said that even if that doesn’t
happen this side of eternity, she is so blessed to be loved by her dad and his
family and that will be enough for her.
We still stand in awe of our Father’s plan and path for our daughter. As God said to Israel, we see this true in our lives: “For I know the plans I have for you,”
declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and
not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11
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