Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 Cheer Year - Letter 4

This blog entry will never get read by the person who has greatly impacted my life (probably the one single person who has impacted my life the most). So a handwritten note will be sent to my mother, Barb Shrider, with the following thank you. Please know that everything we do regarding my mother, we always consider it the “last” time to be able to do it. We are having a “long” goodbye with her. She was diagnosed over a year ago with Multiple Myeloma cancer, this on top of the stroke that she had suffered several months before. She lives in the later stages of her life with my sister, Penny who considers it a privilege to have mom in her home to give her the dignity that she deserves. I am so grateful to my sister for doing this; but that’s a letter on a different day. She now is under hospice care, still living with my sister, and is presently stable but weak.

Dear Mommy Dearest (it’s a term of endearment and not in the Betty Davis sense!)

Your silly daughter has decided that 2011 is the Year of Cheer, so I’m looking back and thanking someone each day that has greatly impacted my life. This is your day and I want to thank you for being my mommy! It’s so funny to me how two people could be so different but yet their hearts be knitted together! I think it’s because there is so much mutual respect for each other’s differences! Thank you for teaching me so much. It’s not that you sat down and gave me lessons; it was more me watching you live life! I watched you go to work each day and provide extra money so we could enjoy a new dress or shoes without Dad knowing! I watched you give away your money to coworkers who couldn’t afford medicine. I watched you enjoy your home, friendships and neighbors when you moved out on your own. I watched you get involved in hobbies like painting, photography and dancing. I watched you take care of my grandmother when I was so young and she was dying of cancer and then your own husband when he was dying. You are a great caretaker and a person of sacrifice. You always said the most important thing is what your children say about you when you aren’t in the room. Besides thinking you are a little crazy at times, you are truly held in the highest of esteem! A short letter cannot contain all the emotion I have for you but I’ll just simply say, thank you!

Lovingly, your daughter,

1 comment:

Jimmy Wade said...

You are the best hon!!!