Monday, January 21, 2013

An Amazing Journey - Part 3 - Reunion

Taylor Anne and Carleen
Nurse Carleen and Neighbor Janet
“You are still beautiful!”  After nearly 18 years later, we were face to face today with Taylor Anne’s nurse that held and cuddled her that first night.  What did she remember?  She worked the 11-7 shift, so she came in just four hours after Taylor Anne was born.  She remembered seeing her in the nursery that night, so little and so beautiful.   She knew her story that in the morning this precious petite baby would be leaving, adopted to a specially chosen family.  What she didn’t know is her tender loving care though the wee hours of the morning would be so impactful even 18 years later.   This teeny tiny person experienced the first loving touch that many of us don’t even stop to think about by nurse Carleen and meeting her today made me so pleased that God had hand-picked her too to take care of Tay.  According to my blog below, she was the answer to my first prayer for Taylor Anne, “please God take care of my baby.”   Tonight, I’ve been thinking more about those first few hours.  Perhaps I wasn’t the only one praying that night.   Just maybe there was another young mother praying the same prayer over her baby that she would never hold, but still wanting God to take care of this little person.    I hope one day I can connect those dots for that young mother of how God answered her prayers, just like my neighbor Janet did when she told me about Carleen.   And so, we continue down this path.

1 comment:

flpab said...

You are an amazing Mom.